She perverted it. She totally perverted it.
All the twangs here and there and the occasional quick ascent up the scales? Typical pop. Not cool. That is why Coldplay is good. Because they do not do typical pop. What sin has she committed??
What's next, Hilary Duff doing Lovers in Japan? Miley Cyrus covering Clocks?
On the brighter side of things, there's the cheesy alternate video to VLV. You can't help but love Chris Martin for enduring the crown and cape-looking thing and tucking the Liberty Leading the People under his arm and walking all over the place!

As compared to that, I prefer the original video anytime. It's fascinating to watch Will hammering away at the cowbell and Chris dancing around like a drunkard. It's a lot more interesting than just watching HRM Chris dragging Eugene Delacroix's painting around.
Oh, and DID YOU KNOW that there is another reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy other than "42" when it comes to Coldplay songs? HAHAHA. It's another song, in X&Y, called "Don't Panic". HAHAHA.
Ugh. Okay enough. I've been twittering, man. It's an interesting concept. It's like you're talking directly to Hugh Jackman and Guy Berryman. Very exciting. Go join! and follow me! sioweelin whee. I'm putting my real name so that Hugh Jackman knows that I exist. And Coldplay, too.
Listen to Lily Allen. Her music isn't bad. The Fear by Lily Allen. She has a cool accent I can't place.
Okay, off to the National Library. Ugh. I. Need. Loo.
you disgust me with all the topics on coldplay. LOL.
cannot stomach it ar
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