Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Before you can start rolling your eyes at me, yours truly is actually planning ahead of time since she knows that she'd be in a daze after delivering the child and all she's gotta do when her husband asks about the name is whip out an all-ready list of baby names she has decided on.
Nothing too hard to spell or pronounce.
Nothing out of a comic book or romance novel or from the Harry Potter series.
Nothing too extravagant like Balthazar or Lorenzo.
Favorably starting with F's, A's or J's. :)
Julius, Frederic, Amy, Joseph, Sophia, Michael. Blah.
Wyatt is a nice name, but I doubt I'm pronouncing it right. Why-utt? Why-yet?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Viva oh my
She perverted it. She totally perverted it.
All the twangs here and there and the occasional quick ascent up the scales? Typical pop. Not cool. That is why Coldplay is good. Because they do not do typical pop. What sin has she committed??
What's next, Hilary Duff doing Lovers in Japan? Miley Cyrus covering Clocks?
On the brighter side of things, there's the cheesy alternate video to VLV. You can't help but love Chris Martin for enduring the crown and cape-looking thing and tucking the Liberty Leading the People under his arm and walking all over the place!

As compared to that, I prefer the original video anytime. It's fascinating to watch Will hammering away at the cowbell and Chris dancing around like a drunkard. It's a lot more interesting than just watching HRM Chris dragging Eugene Delacroix's painting around.
Oh, and DID YOU KNOW that there is another reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy other than "42" when it comes to Coldplay songs? HAHAHA. It's another song, in X&Y, called "Don't Panic". HAHAHA.
Ugh. Okay enough. I've been twittering, man. It's an interesting concept. It's like you're talking directly to Hugh Jackman and Guy Berryman. Very exciting. Go join! and follow me! sioweelin whee. I'm putting my real name so that Hugh Jackman knows that I exist. And Coldplay, too.
Listen to Lily Allen. Her music isn't bad. The Fear by Lily Allen. She has a cool accent I can't place.
Okay, off to the National Library. Ugh. I. Need. Loo.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I've never seen any artist so in touch with her sexually.
Enough of that! Let's go on to something more geeky. V for Vendetta!
Check out V's bloody awesome opening introduction. The geek as I am, I shall commit this fifty V-containing speech to memory.
"VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition."
okbai. EL
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
It is Out.

I have it. :)))
Go download it!
Oh, and class today was awesome. We played hangman. I think form two is the "just right" age to teach. No urgency for some big national exam, and mature enough to understand your cynicism and laugh along.
Study lalala.
Monday, May 11, 2009
So Friday, Renu and I were feeling mischievous so we pranked Rui boy like, twice, and his Math Studies lecturer like, once. All we had to do was open the door, shout "Ruishengyoudumborstupid" and close it. Easy as it sounds, it takes an incredible amount of guts and gungho to do it. As for his math lecturer, we sat in class and obediently followed lesson (but she didn't teach anything la) until she noticed two foreign faces about five minutes into lesson.
Friday night, ma and I took the LRT and then the Monorail (which has an awesome view of KL) to Menara Hap Seng for the MIA Ladies' Choir concert. We were there on Yoongwai's invitation, so thank you for calling us up, honey. We badly needed the break. So met longtimenosee Yoongwai and Songyeu. Didn't get to speak to Yoongwai much (which I was looking forward to) because I was stuck with the latter, but I didn't mind k. :) Overall the choirs were not bad lah, but I still support the fact that men are an important part of the choir. :))
Went home, looked up the JPA website. Didn't get the scholarship. Bah. Oh well.
Saturday morn. Sat down and wrapped Rui's mum's multilayered present, just to realise an hour later that I left the price tag on the gift LOL. So I had to unwrap everything. What an ordeal.
Renaissance Choir concert on Saturday night! They were not bad lah, and the songs are good, and every choir I know seem to be a big fan of You'll Never Walk Alone. Must be some Liverpool thingy. Everyone sings it!
The next morning was New Leaders' Appointment, which was unnerving but it was exciting as it was my first All Leaders' Meet. The Rainbow Junior Choir, my grassroots choir, sang the ever famous "Ha-ha yo (My mother)" song. Our GD's speech ain't as dull as everyone dread it would be, so thank goodness.
Went to the doc today because of the terrible, unbearable ulcers on my lower lip. It was all swollen and bleeding today. He looked at me with this knowing smile, because I've visited him more than three times in the past two months. LOL. He gave me this oral aid ointment which "won't burn, unlike Bonjela" but which almost made me pass out in blinding pain when I applied it. He cautioned that it had local anesthetic, a warning which went unheeded resulting in a numb tongue tip. LOL. Awesome.
Attended Chinese discussion meet when I should be studying. Didn't regret it though, because Dr. Boey was there, and I learned so much from him. He's one of the very few people I know which I truly, truly admire and respect. Dr. Boey has this fiery passion and belief in him which makes him ever more convincing when delivering guidances. His story about saving the Japanese girl from committing suicide, thoguh I've heard it half a dozen times before, never fails to move me to tears. The story is like this: he was posted to a hospital in Japan, and this father came up to him telling him about his depressed daughter who wishes to end her life. Not knowing how to counsel him, Dr. Boey wrote a note to her,
"There is one thing higher than the sky, and that is your life. Treasure it."
...which was a verse from Ikeda Sensei's poem to Agnes Chan. I cry whenever I hear that verse. So simple, yet so full of meaning.
I want my boyfriend to be like him. He is the most humble person I've ever met, yet he is one of the head paediatricians in Malaysia, and the most passionate man when it comes to faith. He takes the gosho to heart and applies it to daily life. If I want someone other than Ikeda Sensei to be my mentor, it will be him.
Ok gtg bai. :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
photoblog entry!

Bukit Bharu!

This is EL's favourite person, that lil' bag of unbridled energy we all call Renu. :]
Those who've read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would know what I mean. x)
I've read Philippa Gregory's The Constant Princess. It's an amazing book. Go read, go read.
It has been an awesomely eventful week, but I shant' say anything more, or I'll never get down to doing my growing pile of work. All I can say is this: Semester papers are two weeks away, and I am doooooooomed.
Oh, and congratulations to the SMKDJ CHOIR for seizing the number one spot at district level! DISTRICT CHAMPS! Up next: STATE CHAMPS! Go pwn Selangor, kids. :D:D:D You can't imagine how immensely proud I feel right now. But of course, that proud feeling comes with a bittersweet taste to the mouth...I miss you guys sooo much! :(
Okay, work work work.