Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
"Each Pokemon to understand the power that's inside"
This year's ang pau reap is definitely much more than last year. All boils down to the age, man. "Oh, you're in college already ar?" *selects bigger ang pau and gives to EL* "Here you go, big girl."
But of course, CNY has always been all about reuniting the family. This year is special since my grandpa "Yeye" lived through a gruelling period of his life after he had a stroke last December. It was a terrible time for all of us but we made it through, so here's to you, Yeye! :)
We stuffed ourselves silly and unfortunately I can't display any pictures of the dinners we had yet but I will get to that once I get them from my cousins (see, the only one without a camera phone. sigh). But altogether we had about 3 major dinners -- the reunion dinner, 1st day dinner, and 2nd day dinner.
I feel fat.
We're going light on meals now, eating only homecooked porridge and fish. Ginger-fried fish, mmmm.
We watched episodes of Pokemon with my younger cousins. We can still recite the Team Rocket theme with impeccable accuracy. I could still sing the Pokemon theme song. It's a nice song.
I had the best fun (apart from meeting the relatives) on the 2nd day of CNY when my parents took us down memory lane. We explored Banda Hilir on foot and Papa took us to his old home above a wine shop. Then Mama would describe in vivid detail how Popo used to stare out the 1st storey window waiting forlornly for her children to return home, and the three boys use their ang pau money to buy the famous satay selup across the street. Oh by the way if you want to visit the wine shop it's on Jalan Hang Lekiu. :)
Also, we visited Popo (mommy's side) in Qing Yun Teng. It's pretty overwhelming to stand in front of my late grandmother's portrait and chant nam-myoho-renge-kyo three times. Mum said she used to go there and cry. :( It's sad knowing that you won't be able to know such a great person now that she's long gone. On a brighter note, we saw dozens of people giving offerings to Confucius, the deity of study. There's a deity for students! :O
Oh, and the wine shop is a big part of why my family don't consume alcohol. Trivial detail.
David Cook rocks. Check out "Declaration", peepz.
Saimunie's inviting me to join his family for the Rihanna concert, but mommy's all worried about the PAS people making an appearance and causing "disquiet". But I want.
And if Coldplay does come to Malaysia, I so am going.
Here's a list of concerts/musicals I would go to if it comes to Malaysia:
- Coldplay
- Justin Timberlake
- Kelly Clarkson
- Carrie Underwood
- The Ten Tenors
- Joe Hisaishi (conductor)
- John Williams
- Wicked
- Lord of the Rings the Musical
*hint hint*
My creative juices have been flowing lately, what with all the stimulants in Malacca (the lights, the colours). Oh for your information darlings, I write. Not just write. I write stories.
There are very few people who know this fact. Simone is one of them. This is a very personal detail I'm revealing.
But I think now that it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
I have been actively writing since standard six, and I got Simone into it when we became friends in form one. She's more public about it. Unlike her, I don't post them on I don't let anyone read them, not even Saimunie.
My creative juices almost always flow during periods of great stress i.e. PMR, exams and SPM. Yes, I wrote during SPM. It is impossible not to write. Go ask Simone how it feels like with your brilliant ideas all pented up. It is hell.
Yiruma is nice.
Signing off. Brothers watching Iron Man outside. Will write a bit more, then dig into my Biology. Grr.
"A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic, don't you think?"
-Alanis Morissette
Friday, January 23, 2009
The hols are finally here! Well there isn't much to look forward to since the lecturers have so kindly bombarded us with piles of assignments and homework (not really lah, but it feels like a lot).
So a very Happy new Year to all of you chums out there. :) I wish you many a fortune in the year ahead.
Coldplay is sizzling hot.
For my term in Taylor's, I've signed up for music and yoga. OMG. So nerdy. Haha. Yoga. Wellness and health. Apart from that I think I'll be working out more often, in the ECA Centre. I'll get a gym partner. :) As for music, Taylor's' formed a new choir, sort of like a chamber choir, since they're so few of them. They sound okay when they performed on ECA Day, the guys being a tad bit too loud, but all that can be improved on in no time. :) Sounds exciting.
Hugh Jackman is sizzling hot, too. Like hotpan yee mee.
Going to watch X-Men 3: The last Stand even after people tell me that everyone there dies except, of course, the indestructible one. The epitome of X-Men. And then The Prestige, cos' there is both Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale in it. Combo.
*grabs popcorn tub*
Happy CNY lads and lassies!
If you can stomach a concoction of schizophrenia and pure weirdness and mouldy creeps, click to load the video below.
"I must find the perfect spoon."
Thirty seconds into the episode, Zeke announced, "he's got a rusty spoon fetish!" And nobody laughed. It was then that I realised half of the girls behind me did not know what a fetish was. It was then I realised how much vulgarity and indecency I've been exposed and tamed to throughout my years in SMKDJ.So thanks a lot. Don't regret it, though.
Happy CNY dearies. :)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Update. :)
We have two new girls in our class, thus further increasing the ratio of females to males. 6 males, 15 females. :) They are quite a happy bunch of males, from what we could see. :)
yesterday I learned to cook a Loh family tradition dish for dinner. Pretty simple, just fish pieces, belacan paste, some hebe, garlic and onions, but boy didn't it taste good. My grandma used to cook it for the family because back then they were strickened with poverty and couldn't afford much. Her tastebuds were reignited when my aunty's maid recently cooked it and she was itching to taste it again ever since. So, yeah. :)
OOH. And yesterday I met my long-lost good friend Kar Mun, who migrated to Australia three years ago. Reconciliation was sweet. ^^ I didn't realise how much I've missed her. Her Cantonese is surprisingly better than before, haha. Malulah saya. OH, and she scored an awesome 97.95% for her TER. OMG.
I'm currently reading (other than textbooks and project reference books) "The Restaurant At The End of the Universe", by Douglas Adams. Anyone remembered or watched "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? :) Also, I'm reading a book on a man's battle with Alzheimer's and how he struggles to pen down his memories before they are snatched beyond their grasps. Quite sad-lah, must get an excerpt for you, but I'm currently in the library, and the book's at my bedside.
Ms. Audrey allowed us to watch Fight Club today. Sorta didn't get the story. *compensated for that when Brad Pitt came on screen :)* Must go check the synopsis.
Anyway, I shall end here now. Gotta research for my ESL assignment. Ta. :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Been busy since college started. College life so far has been amazing. :) There is not one dull moment. I still resent the long flights of staircases though, but at least I only have two days where I have to climb to the fourth floor (where rui claims he has to climb almost everyday).
College life is all about surviving not being spoon-fed, and so far the experience's been great. There is homework, but the lecturer does not bother to check, so you gotta motivate yourself to do it and find the solutions. There is no memorising, but more application, which is delightful. :) I kinda flunked my Bio quiz yesterday, oh but oh well.
No time for leisure, however. But that's what weekends are for. :)
My class is awesome. They come from all over Malaysia, Pontian (Johor), JB, Ipoh, Kuantan, Klang, Kajang, and one as far as from Kuching. And we're all really really good friends now. :)
My lecturers are good, too. Our Psych lecturer is simply so-diva-ish. She's the bomb! Hehe, really sporting and entertaining. She brought us out on a class trip to do some textbook application, doing investigative observational experiments. Bio lecturer is very experienced and she knows her stuff (PLUS she's a SGM member! HOLY CRAP.).
The food available around campus walking distance is great too. Asia Cafe offers variety. The market zapfan stall is simply awesome (with the monotonous indonesian lady reciting, "linchikang, satu"). Mien-dui-mien (Face to Face) offers awesome pan mee. Plus there's Burger King, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Subway, Little won't get bored of food. PLUS, cafeteria has different set lunches everyday. :)
Great company, great lecturers, air-conditioning (sweaters and jackets are permanent parts of everyday wardrobe), great food. Yeah, college's great.
The girls attended a City Survival Skills workshop recently. It's really really good and I would suggest it to my chapter PICs and see how. As a result I bought a pepper spray for real. Haven't tried it out, but they gave us a whiff of the spray. Trust me, it's not a nice experience. One intake of breath and the peppery sensation goes right down your throat. Not very pleasant.
Anyway, the workshop teaches lots, very eye-opening, like ways to detect a two-way mirror and finding hidden cameras, ways to USE a pepper spray correctly ("don't empty the whole can on just the face!"), and...
why we should not put 999 as our first speed-dial--
"Terima kasih kerana memanggil talian kami. Untuk bahasa Melayu, tekan satu..."
"Hello, talian polis."
"Ada orang jahat nak masuk rumah saya!"
"Apa nama dik? Mana dik tinggal? Hah, Jalan apa? Macam mana spell?..."
and by the time the operator finish getting your details,
"Macam mana saya boleh bantu dik?"
you'll be saying, with a sigh of disappointment that Malaysia has yet again failed you.
"Oh, tak apalah, orang jahat itu sudah berdiri di sebelah saya."
Right now I'm down with a fever and sorethroat and flu, throw in a few mouth ulcers here and there. I must be lacking in vitamin C.
Went to Sunway Pyramid with Sai recently. Played archery. Quite fun. :) Befuddles me how those archers of old do the "rapid shot" thing. Takes at least 10 seconds to fit and notch the arrow. =.= Another "it-only-happens-in-fairy-tales" incident. Ended up with a left-arm sprain.
Orchestra going to perform at KLPac this weekend. Without me. =(
Must visit dear ole Harmonix soon.
That's the DJ Choir, by the way. I heard the afternoon choir's swelled to 70 members. :) oh my god.
Off to study, Whoo. Relapsing into a Moulin Rouge mania.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Land of the Leaping Roos

It's the perfect film for the helplessly romantic. Simone and I watched it because we fell in love with Moulin Rouge! and we exchanged glances each time we saw a similarity to Luhrmann's debut film.
I still can't decide which on-screen couple is better, Hugh Jackman & Nicole or Ewan McGregor & Nicole.