It was five seconds into the ride before I realised that it was a bad idea. At that time we hadn't even gained any height yet. And that was the time I exclaimed, "Oh CRAP. I need to tie MY HAIR." So people, tie your hair before going onto a roller coaster.
Here's how it's like. And no, that's not me screaming. I would've screamed a hell lot louder, and an octave higher. I'd kill the bats within a mile radius.At some point, some inverted phase, I stopped screaming, because you tend to forget to scream when you experience true fear. I'm not saying I'm a chicken. I'm just chronically, deathly afraid of heights.
I can't look out of the third storey corridor back at SMKDJ without feeling an uneasy squirm in the stomach.
Now that's a confession.
Back to the Flying Coaster, I'd say it's worth the ride. I came down with wobbly feet. Stupid camera shot was terrible. My hair covered three quarters of my face. damn. we still bought it anyway, cos' daniel had no hair covering his face.
Other than that we went on very few rides, cos' mummy and daddy couldn't ride most of them =( and we felt bad making them wait. So we'll go again without the adults next time. :) Partially also because we spent most our time QUEUEING and WAITING and LOOKING FOR RELATIVELY CHEAPER FOOD.
Ripley's was really cool. And Dinosaurland was nice, don't think of it as a kiddy ride. You have to check out the sorta live T-Rex in the exhibit.We didn't manage to go onto the Spinner, Space Shot or Corkscrew. I sorta chickened out of the Space Shot by just looking at the sheer height it achieves. Na-uh. no thanks.
I'll upload the pics some other time.
Okay enough about Genting.
Who's that hunk??
He's hot. :)
Can't wait to watch Australia.
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