I went for the Lord of the Rings Symphony open rehearsal in Dewan Filharmonik Petronas today. An open rehearsal is just like the real performance, but with only some people not wearing their full outfits and with instrument cases littering the stage floor. But basically it's the entire symphony with no pauses.
I've been chanting so hard for the opportunity to witness Howard Shore's magic live after finding out that all the tickets for all three nights were sold out.
In return, I have been offered TWICE to watch the LOTR Symphony come to life. See how earnest prayer can work wonders?
So today was the first time. I went with Su Jane. But first a huge THANK YOU to Mr. Sow Yoong Wai for offering the tickets to us. I am forever in your debt. :)
There's a white screen above the orchestra and choir showing illustrations of the movie by John Howe and Alan Lee to tell the epical tale. Unfortunately cameras and camcorders aren't allowed into the DFP so I would just show you that the scene is like this (exactly like this),

See, that's the Witch-king himself.
We are fortunate enough to have the original conductor, not Howard Shore himself, but maestro Markus Huber; and Ann De Renais the original soprano soloist. The other soloists are Andrew the boy soprano, and an alto singer (for Lothlorien) and a bass singer (for the Return of the King). Sorry, don't know yer names.
And I tell you, I have nothing but high praises for the performance by MalaysianPhilharmonicOrchestra and YoungKLSingers and KLChildren'sChoir as well as the MIAChoir.
The concert was STUNNING. Maybe it is only so because I am a crazy fan of LOTR music. For the entire two hours I was just clutching to my seat, every muscle in my body trembling with excitement and wonder, mouth gaping, mesmerized. The choir was amazing, although Yoong Wai (one of the singers) claimed that they weren't fulfilling the conductor's expectations. Their dynamics were very clear, and I especially loved it when they roared during those battle scene themes. MPO was naturally awesome, too. Flawless.
Brass section, you were all absolutely stunning. Blasting the trumpet like that! OMG. And the trombones! I swear my seat vibrated.
Dear timpanist, I see you constantly hard at work throughout the entire symphony. This is the first time I see a timpanist so fully utilised. You're cool. :)
The performance consists of 6 movements--2 movements for each movie instalment. My personal favorites were the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and the last movements. I broke down in tears during 'The Grey Havens' and 'Into the West'. It is amazing to see how beautiful music can touch people's hearts.
Anne de Renais made all the solos look effortless. She was simply fantastic.
I especially liked the men's choir during the Bridge of Khazad-dum section in the 2nd movement, something that the tenors were, as I was impressed upon, struggling with. But you guys did great! Don't worry! Just don't gan jiong can already. Here's a piece of it.
The Bridge of Khazad-dum
Overall, awesome performance. :)
Okay, about yesterday's orchestra practice...My seniors in the MPYO have returned! At long last. They're done with touring East M'sia. Hurray~ Played 007, as usual. I'm worried about the orchestra as most of the string players are new. Tuning--totally off-key. String instruments were never easy to play. (That's why you should learn woodwind instruments la)
I have yet to apply for college. Shit.
Was away from Tuesday to Thursday because my robust Yeye had a mild stroke. He finally submitted to being hospitalised. It is frightening to see my strong and healthy 81-year old grandfather, who can still stride across the hall without a cane or breaking a sweat, bedridden and hooked onto an IV drip. Must be all the dim sum he's been eating.
My family and my relatives from Singapore gathered in Melaka for the week. I'm sure that must have frightened Yeye out of his skin. Anyway, so we took shifts taking care of him in the hospital. I took the midnight shift with mama, from 10pm to 8am. It was tougher to stay awake than I thought.
Now his condition is much more stable. Johan's gone back to see him. Yeye was so happy and announced to everyone that he is a doctor. Haha, poor kor.
Went to meet my old Yuk Chai pals after the LOTR concert in the morning. :) Walk walk walk. Eat eat eat. Walk somemore.
Oh yeah, I'm done with Wicked. It is simply a beautiful book. Check out the musical too.
Alright off to nurse a terrible headache.
1 comment:
Hey so jealous you get to go LOTR concert :( ahah anyway, You're taged! :)
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