Monday, March 9, 2009

I've been worrying myself to bits lately.

Recently, just three days ago, kor found that the lymph nodes in my neck are abnormally enlarged ie. swollen. I never knew they were supposed to be abnormal cos', as far back as I could remember, they've always been there, just not so many as I have now. If I count now, they would amount to roughly about six of 'em rubbery mothballs. Kor never checked my armpits because I'm just too ticklish. -__-

Anyway, I've read up about this. He suspects it's lymphoma, a kind of lymph node cancer that is usually associated with leukemia. O_O The lymph nodes are swollen because of the excess production of lymphocytes (WBC) produced to protect the body against the sudden pathogens (not sure what they are though, cancer cells or virus or what).

Soooo far I have only fulfilled three of the many symptoms--palpable lymph nodes, night sweats, and bodily aches. I'm not sure if sleeping a lot means fatigue, so I'm not counting. If it persists for a week, then maybe I'll go have it checked up, or Kor would pester me to. Ugh. Doctors. Needles. ugh.

Contact lenses!


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