...is the beginning of a lifelong romance." 1894.
In these few weeks I'm going to thoroughly enjoy my well-deserved holiday Yes, the day of liberation! After my last paper, hugged the nice Johor girls goodbye. We went to the Curve, changed, met up, and went to watch *drums roll* Twilight! I was a little skeptical about book adaptations these days because they tend to leave out key events for commercial value's sake.
But yeah, the movie was really good (minus the squealing rows of fangirls behind and in front of us) and the soundtrack is breathtaking. They DID the ultimate destruction though: cutting out significant turning points in the book. At first the chemistry between Eddie and Bella was very slight, but they eventually develop a relationship that will make u sigh wishfully. Charlie, though he turned out quite the opposite of my version of Charlie, has all the right lines and the right jabs. The Cullen family is great, too. Sometimes Carlisle's (It's pronounced CAR-Lyle) eternally good looks outshine Rob's, I mean, Eddie's. You should've heard the entire theatre squeal when the Cullens first entered the scene! Apparently there's a huge fanbase for Jasper, too. Alice is cute, she didn't let down. Kellan Lurtz suits the role of Emmett. Rosalie is as bitchy as Rosalie can get. Esme is sweet, but boringly so. The fight is good, and the "flying" scenes, too. Also, there is a CAMEO APPEARANCE of the Creator herself in one of the scenes--look out for her.
I could not help but compare the book and the film, no matter how much I wished I did otherwise. Sorry people, SPOILERS no bloodtyping scene, and a very short meadow scene. They do, however, include much dialogue from the book. And there ARE some scenes to question, like Bella's supposed to get all her information about vampires from the internet and Jacob, NOT a bookstore. But overall, it was good. =)
Romance factor of 10.
"Graduation gowns?" "Private joke. We matriculate a lot."
"It's called an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it."
So that's my verdict. Twilight readers, go watch the film. Oh wait. You prolly already have. Oh well.
So we went to Borders and hung out there for a little while, trying to look for a new author to
launch our attacks and interest on. Considered Ed Greenwood, Elaine Cunningham, ...I'll be reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire soon. Couldn't bring myself to buy any books last night because I very kedekut wan ar. Got home with McDonald's in hand (mum calls it bribery because Sai Mun pays...don't worry I'll pay back!) and dabbled with paint for a while since bro stole the modem. I'd prolly install Neverwinter Nights again, maybe replay Diablo II (ugh, play until jelak already) and The Sims 2--provided my single core computer don't crash first.
Will be watching Apocalypto tonight, after dishing out a meal for the family, and maybe after going to Kinokuniya with pa. ;) Bring on the blood and gore, arrr!!

meh what
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